my blood PH levels?
(too old to reply)
Pete R
2005-08-03 07:50:57 UTC
Human blood
7.35 - 7.45
Human saliva
6.3 - 6.6
8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
B: 7.9 - 8
S: 6.9 - 7.1
i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
Is your diet high in sodium? If you eat a lot of processed
and/or junk food, that could easily account for it.
2005-08-03 10:08:12 UTC
2005-08-03 15:39:23 UTC
Human blood
7.35 - 7.45
Human saliva
6.3 - 6.6
8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
B: 7.9 - 8
S: 6.9 - 7.1
i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
Being vegan your diet is high in vitamins, minerals , micronutrients and alkaline
producing foods, you wont fall within the norms of the averageAmerican, because of your
clean diet which is low in acid producing foods.
Being alkaline is much better than being acidic, It indicates you are storing up all the
essential micronutrients that get washed and used up by those with a poor diet
you should be very happy with your test results
2005-08-03 17:46:54 UTC
Sodium cannot affect blood pH. There is a very narrow range within
which life is compatible. Too much CO2 could cause what is called
respiratory acidosis, but alkaline pH (normal is 7.2 which is slightly
alkaline) is usually metabolic. You can have ketoacidosis from too much
burning of fat from a low carb diet.

2005-08-03 22:33:30 UTC
i eat huge amounts of carbs, so i don't think i would have ketoacidosis,
though i do have almost no body fat, so that could perhaps be related to

Post by MobiusDick
Sodium cannot affect blood pH. There is a very narrow range within
which life is compatible. Too much CO2 could cause what is called
respiratory acidosis, but alkaline pH (normal is 7.2 which is slightly
alkaline) is usually metabolic. You can have ketoacidosis from too much
burning of fat from a low carb diet.
2005-08-03 22:31:23 UTC
oh, well that certainly makes me feel better :) thnks.

Human blood
7.35 - 7.45
Human saliva
6.3 - 6.6
8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
B: 7.9 - 8
S: 6.9 - 7.1
i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
Being vegan your diet is high in vitamins, minerals , micronutrients and
producing foods, you wont fall within the norms of the averageAmerican,
because of your
clean diet which is low in acid producing foods.
Being alkaline is much better than being acidic, It indicates you are
storing up all the
essential micronutrients that get washed and used up by those with a poor
you should be very happy with your test results

2005-08-03 22:30:27 UTC
yes, i'd say my diet is pretty high in sodium, but not from junk/processed
food, which i eat almost nothing of.

Post by Pete R
Human blood
7.35 - 7.45
Human saliva
6.3 - 6.6
8.02.05. 12:26a.m.
B: 7.9 - 8
S: 6.9 - 7.1
i'm an 18 year old caucasian male; vegan diet; depressive tendencies. are my
rather deviant PH levels something i should be worried about? are there
typical things which cause over-alkaline PH levels in the body?
Is your diet high in sodium? If you eat a lot of processed
and/or junk food, that could easily account for it.